Devil's Kitchen Trail, Colorado

We had made our way from lush greenery in the central Colorado mountains to the western part of the state, to the desert. There is a road called Rim Rock Drive and this is such a cool location to drive through. It's not free, it costs 20 dollars to drive it. 23 miles of winding road on the many canyon edges you can see there. In this post I'm not going to get into the canyons we saw there but will show you a trail that is the first thing after entering the Rim Rock Drive road.

The trail is called a Devil's Kitchen trail. It's not a very long one, about 3 km there and back but is a moderate difficulty. The trail starts out as the gravel path leading to the cliffs.

During the walk, you can see many cool-looking plants, among them several species of cacti that happened to be blooming at the time.


We had to make our way up the hill to reach the destination of this trail that is named Devil's Kitchen. Don't ask, I don't know why it's named like this. Some rock climbers were there climbing on the vertical walls.

There you can find several natural rock pillars and balanced rocks.




The coolest place in Devil's Kitchen was this. A place surrounded by these amazing-looking natural rock formations. This is the place you would want to get em Instagram shots taken 😅



We did a bit more climbing in this natural structure to get better views of the surrounding areas.




One hell of a place this pine tree decided to start growing out of.




Having thoroughly explored the place and enjoyed the views, it was time to start going back. We were unfortunate enough that the moment we left, it started raining. Of course, we didn't have any rain gear or anything. It was 32C outside so I really wouldn't have wanted to wear any jacket anyway. I don't know how often it rains there, it's a damn desert after all but we got wet. Judging by the clouds the rain was not going to last very long. We found some random small cliff to hide under and wait out the remainder of the rain.

It was for sure an interesting trail, full of cool cliffs and rocks that were worth seeing. There are so many trails on the Rim Rock Drive but this is the only one we actually hiked. You can easily spend a couple of days in this area but we only had less than half a day to explore all of this. There are also so many beautiful canyons that I will start to show you very soon.


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