Friends Forever?


Forever is just a word,
Now is what I long for with you.
Could we be friends forever?
You were my very good friend
The one I confided in and laughed with.

Apart, our hearts longed for each other.
Our reunion becomes sweet, refreshed,
We could never stop chatting.
Then we had to part, to live our separate lives.
Time stood still for us.

You knew you had a friend in me,
I could never stress that enough.
Yet you doubted me,
Your emotions took over.
Attitudes unexpected manifested.

Like a person with multiple personalities,
You changed, different and unknown.
Misunderstanding every word I spoke,
Seeking to pull down all we have built,
You stopped believing in me.

Breaking down the trust we had built.
How do we rebuild it again?
You long for me still,
Aye, nostalgia for good ol' times.
Because we could not be friends forever.

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