a "Sonnet for housekeeping"

Bedroom 04-15-2021.jpg

I have been so DOMESTIC this morning, I can hardly stand myself ....
I emptied out my dishwasher first thing, then I stripped my bed, washed those sheets and some dish towels, made up my bed with clean stuff, then when that load went in the dryer, I washed another load of clothes.
I damp mopped the dust from under my bed, then swept up the floor in the bedroom.
Folded and put away all those things from above.
I've now eaten a salad and warm tomato veggie with rice for lunch.
I need a nap!

I go through the day.

Thinking I'm cleaning up.
But is what I'm doing,
Only rearranging the Fray?

If all I do is move something,
From one pile to another;
Then what is the point?
Have I achieved anything?

No more room,
It's all still there,
I haven't really done away with anything,
Why can't I come up for air?

When we can't release the past,
Are we (am I) just rehearsing our demise?
Am I (are we) dragging baggage,
I (we) should have long ago off-cast?

Things to learn from the age of Covid.
If only we were still in the age of Ovid.

“A Sonnet to housekeeping”

Jerry E Smith
Original photo taken with my cellphone


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