Cosa de letras

Algunos me dicen poeta
por escribir algunas letras,
yo no llego a tanto,
aunque escribo y no canto.

Sé que algunas letras
son bonitas y tienen rima,
ya que salen de mi alma
que tiene polvo y poca brisa.

Otras letras no se consumen
porque tienen poco sabor,
y pesan mucho en mi mente
vaciándolas con temor.

Hay otras veces donde me gana
el cansancio,
y escribo casi rancio,
dedicándome con frialdad
y por eso me distancio.

Poeta no soy
por mucha gente que lo diga,
aunque en cosa de letras
mi corazón es lo que doy.



Letters thing

Some call me a poet
for writing some letters,
I do not get to that much,
although I write and I don't sing.

I know some lyrics
they are pretty and they rhyme,
as they come out of my soul
that has dust and little breeze.

Other letters are not consumed
because they have little flavor,
and they weigh heavily on my mind
emptying them with fear.

There are other times where it beats me
the fatigue,
and I write almost stale,
dedicating myself coldly
and that's why I distance myself.

I am not a poet
for many people who say it,
although in a matter of letters
my heart is what I give.

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1 column