Which Coin Is Exotic?

The most exotic is that which is farthest from me. I live in Central Europe. So the furthest from me is Australia, New Zealand and Oceania.

If someone lives in Australia, New Zealand and Oceania, Central Europe can be exotic for them.

I want to show in this article that in addition to being a collector of old coins, I am also a silvergoldstacker who also buys modern coins. But at the same time, I want to regret that we cannot exchange coins with each other within the tag #silvergoldstackers. Exotic for exotic.

Paying would be easy. Through blockchain in cryptocurrency. But that physical handover of coins would be complicated. Leaving aside the trust issue, there would be high shipping costs.

Some time in the future. Teleportation. I transfer the funds and in a few moments the coins appear in my room. At least that's what it would look like on the starship Enterprise.

3d Printer. That wouldn't really be a #silvergoldstacker exchange. I would buy the license directly from the mint online and print the coin. In theory, it is also possible to create them on a 3D printer from metal. Only then must the result be cured in the oven. But how to get home silver or gold? I'm back at teleportation or mail.

There is a lot of talk about artificial intelligence right now. But I can't think of how to use it meaningfully for silvergoldstackers.

Anyone have any other ideas?

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