My Seventh Year has arrived...


I handed the Cashier two 20 Dollar "Bills" and said 39.50 on pump 4...

I got back 50 Cents in Change, like I always get back...

On the other side of the Reset, the same amount of Gasoline will cost me 39.5 Cents...

It's a good thing I got back 50 Cents, because "to me" it was like being Paid an extra 10.5 Cents for pumping all that Gasoline into my Car...

Little things like that always puts a big smile on my face...

On the other side of the Reset, 50 cents will have the Spending Power of 50 Fiat USD's...

I came home with $2 in Common U.S.Coinage after a day of Spending...


I only have a few minutes to write this Blog, and I don't have a clue what I'll write...

It's fun being me, knowing what I think I know...

I do have very good reasons to think what I think...

The Fiat Dollars we use here in the United States will soon be History,, if I'm correct about the U.S. Monetary Reset...

They will all be Redeemed at a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...

The Clues are coming in faster and faster these days, so I'm very excited about that...

I've been hearing that there's a World Wide Reset heading our way...

That's music to my ears, because the Reset has been taking longer than I expected...

I never thought I'd still be here writing about it...

I sure hope a lot of you have taken me seriously so far...

I have no reason to lie to any of you...

I just want to see the Reset happen the way I've been writing that it will happen...

We the People were Bamboozled by Agents, working for the Central Bank Owners since the Founding of our Country...

I've also been hearing about Military Arrests happening all over the World...

The World Wide Monetary Correction seems to have already started, and the Best is Yet to Come...

I won't be going to deep into details with this post, but I'm sure I have a thousand others you can go back and read...

Leave a Comment on any one of them, and you may still get an up-vote from me...

There's a good chance I may be leaving Huge Up-Votes on the other side of the Reset...

I'm actually doing that now, if you're able to turn my Up-Votes into Common U.S. Coinage...

Silver Coins....jpg

Let me know if you have any questions...

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