SGS Life Update for a busy August 2022


“Black birds tend to like shiny things” ~ The Bloody Raven

A Quick post for today

This hefty package arrived a few days ago from Nyssacat373 and contained wherein are the silvery goodies that I have purchased over the last five months. It feels much more than I have originally ordered, surprise, surprise. I already know he sent me a black Buffalo Bills T-shirt regardless of who I drew in @monstergoldjam’s Football pool.

So, this is a heads up that I will have plenty to share to the end of the year and I still have lots more planned prior to this package.

As most of you are aware, my home’s lower deck had a flood of bilgewater almost two months ago. Remediation work revealed a bevy of glaring and serious electrical issues behind the walls and ceiling of the rental suite. Electricity and water, not a good mix.

The previous DIY owner of my home was not a professional tradesman and for the sake of safety the electrical needed to be back up to code.

Also, the Electrical panel had mismatched breakers and needed to be doubled to 200 Amps to accommodate the needs of a second family. Separate breakers are required for every major appliance. And finally, a proper electric Car recharge station is recommended. Since everything was opened up, I had to green light the work, kissing almost all of my Emergency Reserve cash goodbye.

That wasn’t all. The previous owner wasn’t any good at plumbing either and there were problems that even my non-trades eye could spot. Oh my galoshes. It looks like I will have to dig into my line of Credit too. DEBT! 😩
But my two sons are just sweethearts and offered to loan me their savings. 💞

It’s been a tough and busy month for me, so I am going to open up a fruity Cooler and for the day enjoy my fifth year as a Hive blogger and my first year as a Dolphin.


And one more thing to tie up. Last weeks post I showed a coin with a problem, and no one identified it yet. So, let’s try this again. For an HBD! What is THE problem with this round?


And yes, It is a BCCN Chinese graded product. It was good enough to fake pass the Chinese grader revealing the lack of competence of BCCN graders.
First right answer in the comments section scores the HBD!


LTC Litecoin is my favorite spending crypto with its cheap fees and fast verification prior to Hive. This slabbed Litecoin round is compliments of my favorite Asian dealer HK Colonial Coins on Instagram who accepted my payments in LTC, but not Hive, yet.

Do you have a favorite spending Crypto? 💰

Stacking Gold, Silver, and Hive for that rainy day.”

The #piratesunday ☠️ tag is the scurvy scheme of Captain @stokjockey for #silvergoldstackers pirates to proudly showcase their shiny booty and plunder for all to see. Landlubbers arrrh… welcomed to participate and be a Pirate at heart so open yer treasure chests an’ show us what booty yea got!


HK Colonial Coins on Instagram
Cameo Raven Broach from The Black Wardrobe
Chinese Red Dragon Banner from Nyssacat373's garden


My own pictures shot with a Samsung SM-A530W
P. Image under Pixabay
W. Wiki Commons
💀 Page Dividers by thekittygirl 🎃

"Ahh ains nae bluudy Financial Advisor!"

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