Malaysia 2021 Labuan FSA's 25th Anniversary RM10 Silver coin

FSA stand for Financial Services Authority

Technical Specifications:

Type: Coloured Sterling Silver with Sapphire Stone (proof)
Metal: Silver (Ag 92.5)
Face Value (RM): 10 Ringgit
Quantity (pieces / sets): 1,000
Diameter: 40.7
Weight: 31
Date of Issue: 15 December 2021
Retail sales price: RM286


The text “LABUAN FINANCIAL SERVICES AUTHORITY” is shown on the left circumference of the coins, while on the right circumference “1996-2021” is depicted to mark 25 years of LFSA’s establishment. The map of Labuan is featured on a diamond-cut 3D surface with Labuan Financial Park – where LFSA is headquartered – marked out with a sapphire stone insert on the sterling silver coin. This geographic representation signifies the multi-faceted landscape of Labuan IBFC and its significance to the Labuan economy, and of the important role played by LFSA as the regulatory body enforcing IBFC laws.


The text “BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA”, as the issuing authority of these numismatic coins, is shown on the top circumference of the coin followed by the official LFSA25 logo in the centre. The text of “10 RINGGIT” and “1 RINGGIT” as the face value of the coins are shown at the bottom circumference of the, accompanied by the LFSA25 event tagline, “A Journey of Dedication, Determination and Dynamism”.

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