It Was More Than I Wanted To Spend

Back when I bought my first coin in a shop, I saw this coin and coveted it but it was a lot more money than I felt comfortable spending on something that was going to just be put away.

It was beautiful and I told my wife about it because she loves crystals and I thought she would appreciate it for that alone. She loved the pictures of it online as I was showing her but agreed that it was quite a bit of money.

This is the coin in question

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Pretty nice, right?

Fast forward until sometime in the new year and we were at the shop buying some gift cards for our kid (they sell collectibles too) and we are talking to the owner when he tells us about being robbed twice by the same person. It was the first time they had ever been robbed. I think they have been open for over 30 years, so he said he was expecting it eventually.

Anyhow, my wife is looking around and sees that coin and says she wants to buy it and my heart jumped for joy. The only problem was that when the thieves were grabbing things they dropped that coin but took the case. That means the certificate is gone but we didn't care.

Now it lives with us.

It's almost like we aren't empty nesters anymore as we are filling the void with pets and silver coins.

I mean, there are worse things to replace your children with, right?

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