Adding some Gold!


So this week has been filled with a lot of data entry tasks at work. I’ve been building a bunch of reports from 2020. Sometimes my tables get so big on google docs that it can be a slow process. During these slowing times I usually listen to podcasts or books on tape.

This week however I started watching a gold mining show about a town up in Alaska by the bearing sea. I’m shocked by how many people risk it all to find the gold. It’s an expensive job up in Alaska.


Has anyone else watched this? These people are crazy. Gold fever is real. Watching this gave me a little gold fever and so I picked this up.


Sometime in my life I want to go to a river and pan for some gold. Looks super fun and also super discouraging.

Anyone ever found gold??? If so please share the story. Also, share where unless it’s too too secret.

I’m still investing most my new money into crypto but like picking up some gold and silver every now and then.

Stack on.

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