Vote NOW for Stacker of the Week – Round 7

It’s that time again to vote up our Stacker of the Week. Last week there were 22 communities involved in this initiative across HIVE with a solid 290 votes collected across all of the polls! It’s definitely a good time to be putting out quality content and here at Silver Gold Stackers we’ve had a diverse range of winners which goes to show the sort of depth we have amongst our authors in this great community here.


Last week our winner was @thedamus for his Take Five! post with yet another 1 vote margin over @maddogmike with his post about the 2022 1 oz Silver Equatorial Guinea Giraffe Coin. These narrow margin wins in the polls are becoming a bit of a trend and to me this is another strong indicator of the depth amongst our authors here at SGS so well done to everyone putting out great content. You can see all the Round 6 Winners from the other communities in this post from @weeklytops right HERE

As last weeks winner, @thedamus will be the beneficiary to receive 60% of the author rewards from this post with a further 20% going to @weeklytops to help with organisation and promotion. Last weeks post hasn’t quite paid out yet, but @silverd510 should be getting a nice little reward for his Round 5 win in the next couple of hours. The HIVE price is down a bit and the silver price is up a bit this week, so that prize is just short of an ounce of silver but it should still be a tidy sum and it all adds up. Stackers of course understand the accumulation game very well!

For Round 7 the posts to vote on are :-

  1. Fresh Treasures
    @trumpman exhibits his latest treasure shower from the mailbox

  2. Bullion Shops in Edmonton
    @mraggaj takes a road trip and raids some bullion shops along the way

  3. Toxic Bullion Poured Silver
    @senstless shows off his impressive collection of Toxic Bullion hand pours

  4. Silver Find
    @melbourneswest shares details of a bargain found in small town Australia

To vote on our next Stacker of the Week please head on over to the new poll ###HERE### and make sure you are logged in to the site so that you can see the formal poll there. Before you vote the poll thread should look like this :-


In Round 6 we had 12 votes which is down a bit on previous weeks. Hopefully that isn’t a sign that we’re running out of steam on this initiative, so if you'd like to keep this Stacker of the Week thing going then please make sure you vote and encourage your friends in the community to get in there and vote too. It only takes a few clicks and you’ll be helping out some of our great authors here at Silver Gold Stackers by voting in the poll.

Big thanks again to @leofinance, @ocd, @theycallmedan and @blocktrades for their ongoing support of our Stacker of the Week and to everyone who is getting involved to help support this initiative. It’s been really encouraging to see whales outside our community throwing some love to our authors here at Silver Gold Stackers and it really is appreciated. Keep up the great work everyone!

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