Could Argentina Abolish its Central Bank?

Stackers understand the value of Sound Money and we often talk about the problems with Loose Monetary Policy inevitably leading to Hyperinflation or other forms of Financial Crisis, but if you want a current day example of what this looks like then you need look no further than Argentina. Inflation in Argentina recently hit about 116% Annually and has been rising steadily for some years now. Needless to say the country is facing a pretty severe economic crisis and if this is our future in the West then we should be paying close attention!


What’s really interesting right now though is that Argentina is in a Presidential Election Cycle and has been in the process of running it’s Primaries. One of the candidates who has gained a lot of support from many disgruntled Argentinian voters is a staunch Libertarian outsider named Javier Milei. This guy just shocked the establishment political parties by capturing 30% of the National Vote and in the process won 16 out of 24 Regions in the primary elections. He now looks destined to be the front-runner in a run-off vote for the actual Presidency in October this year. Why is this important? Well just take a look at his policies….

Possibly the most controversial one is that he wants to Abolish the Central Bank. Listening to this guy speak about the scam that is Fiat Currency and Central Banking is like Manna from Heaven for both Stackers and Crypto Lovers alike. He seems to understand and appreciate the importance of Sound Money and he speaks about Bitcoin, Gold and the History of Money in this short clip which is just 2 and a half minutes of Truth Bombs on those subjects. Check it out by clicking the SOURCE of this screengrab below :-.


It leaves me wondering. Could this guy actually win the Presidency? Then, if he does, is it possible that he could abolish the Central Bank of Argentina like he is suggesting? Obviously the establishment is already going after him with smears like the inevitable comparisons to Donald Trump – even though Trump is not a Libertarian and his policies are actually quite different. What the establishment fear is anyone challenging their narrative and they call upstarts like Javier Milei Populists. Those of us who are Awake know that this is just another label they use to smear someone who is popular but doesn’t adhere to the establishment narratives.

All I know is that I personally hope that he can shake things up. Even if all he does is bring some awareness to the problems with Central Banking and the Fiat Currency scam then he’s a positive force for badly needed reform of our broken Financial Systems. I hope they don’t assassinate him before he gets his chance to make a difference.

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