"A year ago vs today, a reflation. Balance is dynamic."


A year has past since writhing this post, coming back to read this makes me think and reflect, where I am today? What had change and what has stayed the same.
Here is what I wroth last year:

This is gonna be my first summer here in Portugal. I arrived (with my husband and our baby) in the end of September. So all in all it has been 9 months. So much has happen during this time..... And it was both very good and very difficult, together.
Moving to a new country, not speaking the language and not having friends or family around, is such a big challenge in and of itself. Then add a 6 months old baby, sleepless nights, crying and just being a new parent.

So it was a lot of balancing to do! Looking for the rythem and routine that will work for the three of us. My yoga teacher ones told me, balance is dynamic, I must keep coming back to the mid-line, again and again, looking for alignment and stability. Thats why I try to find the focal point, the things that don't change, that help me return to equilibrium.
For me it is my yoga practice.
I would be so happy if you would like to share, what it is for you, what helps you keep your balance?
Love, Lila

Now this is my second summer here in Portugal. So all in all it has been one year and eleven-months. So much has happen during this time.... And it was both very good and very difficult.
As a family we grow so much, we have a routine that works for us, and got so much butter in planning and being efficient with time. Also our baby is now a toddler, that walks and speaks. More work during the day, Butter sleep at night time.
Portugal is not so scary anymore, I know my way around here and I can speak decent Portuguese to get things done. Far from being fluent… but striving toward it.

My practice definitely stayed, a strong focal-point in my life. A safe space to come back to myself, a place that give me power and a higher perspective. I am full with gratitude for this gift in my life.
I am still in the constant look for balance, moving dynamicly between different ares in my life that need balance. The main thing I am trying to balance now is doing vs non-doing. When to do, be productive, checking my tasks, and when to stop and rest. I am usually over pushing and I need to give myself more rest, more ease, a sense of importunes of the non-doing.
And teaching, become a big part of my life this last year. Actually working with people, seeing others getting this gift. Learning and growing myself in the process.
My mantra this days is: ‘practice over perfection’.

Do you have some practice you do to keep balance?
Thank you for reading so far.
Love, Lila.



This is a cross post of @yoga.lila/balance by @yoga.lila.

A year ago vs today, a reflation. Balance is dynamic.

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