Introducing the Digital Canvas Community

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Hi DiCans and digital artists! We present a community that brings together digital artists of diverse styles and genres. The Digital Canvas Community as new creative home for all digital artists to come together to share their works and ideas. Not only for one or two genres but all types of genres are very welcome here which certainly have high artistic value from the creativity of each artist such as Realism, Surrealism, Romanticism, Naturalism, Impressionism, Expressionism, Classicism, Futurism, or other styles.

"It's nice when we can admire other people's work, art is a beauty that gives everyone the full right to enjoy it without exclusivity." - Melly Goeslow

Well, to make all participants or subscribers of the Digital Canvas community feel comfortable in this community, We also announce some 📌RULES that everyone in it must obey. Let's check this out:

  1. Post into the Digital Canvas Community hive-135206.
  2. Remember to keep the main focus of your picture on the subject of the Digital Canvas Community.
  3. For those of you who create digital works using free photo sources, make sure that the photo or image you want to use has a Creative Commons or Public Domain license.
  4. No plagiarism, Art Theft, or re-uploading of digital art.
  6. There must be censored for +18 or NSFW images. Content because not everyone is comfortable seeing vulgar images like that.
  7. For the rules, that's all for now, maybe the rules can be added over time.
  8. Use the #digitalcanvas tag to make it easier for us to find similar content.
  9. 📑By submitting your contribution you warrant that your artwork is in your sole ownership and that is free of any copyrighted material.Every participant in the Digital Canvas Community further agrees to hand over their artwork into the public domain and that it can be copied, modified, and distributed by others, even for commercial purposes, without requiring further permission.

WHITELIST - a site that provides free photos.

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The good news is that there are more than 227 million CC and Public Domain licensed photos available in the digital realm! Thirty percent of them can be used for commercial purposes. On the following sites, you can find lots of CC licensed photos or images:

  1. Pexels
  2. Unsplash
  3. Pixabay
  4. Pure PNG
  5. Public Domain Pictures

For other additional sites as will be announced soon after reading, understanding, and evaluating from the site that it deserves to be a WHITELIST for safe use.


For those of you who are curious about when the contest will be held, it is likely that a contest will be held if the subscribers have reached 500 people or there is a gift donation from Digital Canvas friends.
Support with Delegation, HIVE / HBD, or Ecency points is very welcome and we really appreciate it for developing and advancing this Digital Artist Community.

Thank you for your visit and support! May we remain brothers because art unites our love.

Sorry if there are any wrong words, please understand that I am not a native speaker. Don't let my English be wrong to cause our love relationship to break up and a fight ensues😄. LOL😁

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