A wrong belief, a mistaken idea of people about me

Hello everyone, it's another new day and I'm saying happy new month to you all.

I was invited by @maryjacy to participate in this contest, thanks to her for inviting me to participate, wrong belief of people about me, alot of times people have wrong notions about me, thinking that's who I am or what I have, people just look at you and think this is who you are without getting to know the real you,and this has been the case for me too,so I am happy because this is an opportunity to share with you the wrong ideas people have about me.

1. The belief that I have money.

Sometimes this is just really frustrating, really really,I get tired sometimes,do you know how things work for me? There was a time before I gained admission and I wanted to work with one woman like that,I told her I needed a job and I was willing to work then but she said;

ahh I can't employ you o,how much do I want to pay you? I can't pay you much and you are more than that,what a wrong idea it was!!

  At that time I needed the job and money badly but she said I have Money and she can't pay me, I tried to explain myself but she wasn't ready to bulge. So this notion about me sometimes makes me sick! Can they just stop assuming I have money and help out when I need their help, I am not poor but not rich too.

2. They think I'm too beautiful to be single 🙄🌚

Like who does that? Why will you think that I must have someone I am in a relationship with, like seriously? At a point in my life I don't have relationship and I don't want to have one because it's stressful,but if I try to tell people,they all think I'm lying and it's not possible,why will you think it's not possible please,Lol.... But right now I'm not single though,I already left that phase.

3. They think I am gentle because I have a gentle face.

They think I'm too gentle to let things slide so they want to override me or cause trouble for me, but until I give them their own portion of trouble that is when they realize I'm not that gentle. I love to stay indoor so I don't go out because I like to mind my business but if they bring trouble I will give it back to them.

So these are the three wrong ideas about me.

I'm inviting @steemgeeks and @menoski to participate in the contest.

So that's all for now, thank you for reading .

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