Saturday Memories - Puerto de Catarroja


To be honest, this post arrives inspired by one publication from another user. That hive friend will recognize himself, if reads this post. I don't know if he would like me to tag him, but I saw that he just posted with the tag #saturdaymemories and I liked the idea. I hope that tag is allowed for everyone.


Somehow it is actually the most beautiful when the community cooperates and we know how to inspire each other. And when we know how to recognize what it is that brings us joy and fun.


For me, visiting my friends who live in Valencia is definitely a time of fun and joy. A year ago, in February when we were allowed to travel where we wanted, we spent one weekend with them as their guests.


In the afternoon, we went to a place near them, called Puerto de Catarroja. The small canal that flows there gives home to many small fishing boats. They are tied to docks, where you can walk.


That place is situated in The Albufera Natural Park that was already known by the Romans as Nacarum Stagnum and in some Arabic poems, it is called Mirror of the Sun.


So there are a lot of those small canals that finally all end in the shallow lagoon. The average depth of the lagoon is only 1 m, and it is separated from the sea by a narrow sandbar with dunes. It occupies an area of ​​23.94 km² and is surrounded by 223 km² of rice fields. As I could not know this exact information by heart, I read it in Wikipedia.


We walked a bit there, it was a pleasant winter afternoon, but as you can observe from the following photo, I was a little cold, so with all those clothes, I look like a bear.


Of course, the ducks were fine, they happily enjoyed their swimming in the water.



After getting back to our friends home, my boys were still inspired to take some photos. So here is my young man in the mirror, with my older man behind him. I like this photo, so I will include it here.


This was my first post with the tag #saturdaymemories, an initiative by @olga.maslievich.

Thank you for your time.

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