These are My Coffee Cups!

These are My Coffee Cups hiveblopomo blog thumbnail.png

Yep, as per usual, here we are on Day 2 of #HiveBloPoMo, and I'm already skipping the suggestion from my Hive Blog Posting Month daily prompt calendar for April 2022! While I liked the sound of, "For Reconciliation Day, write about a relationship you wish to mend" in theory, I'd already mentioned to @lizelle that it might be more challenging than I'd hoped.

Sure enough, after getting about 4 hours of sleep last night (followed by about a 90 minute nap earlier this afternoon) thanks to some wonky work hours for members of our household, I decided there wasn't enough coffee in the world for me to focus on such a potentially emotional topic.

Then the thought of coffee sparked an...

I remembered seeing a post by @shadowspub called This is My Coffee Cup! , which was inspired by @papacrusher's post, This is My Coffee Cup and thought I'd do one myself! So I dragged my tired butt hustled into the kitchen to snap some pictures. Yes, pictures plural because I've collected a number over the years, but these are the ones that have the most meaning to me.

These are My Coffee Cups!


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These are the cups my husband and I have been using for...4 years? 5 maybe? The crow doing the angel pose on the left is mine, and the hawk on the right is his. Both pictures were taken by yours truly and put on the mugs via Zazzle. I initially just got them because I thought it would be cool to have my photography on some products, but they've ended up being my favorite cups.


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My husband bought these for me back in 2012 when I was doing Camp NaNoWriMo (back when it was just in April, and not April & July... at least I think that's how it was back then). They're surprisingly small for cups designed for writers - like, about as big as a normal cup and not gallon sized which is what I! However these have turned out to be the perfect size when we want a quick cup of tea before bed - especially perfect with the starry sky background.


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Now THAT's a knife mug! These beauties are some of the few surviving ceramic tankards we got years ago (like back when our now adult children were babies) at King Richard's Faire. They are absolutely perfect for a good cup of Irish Tea (aka regular tea with a healthy helping of whiskey) on a chilly winter's night.


2. From High School.jpg

1. From High School.jpg

3. From High School.jpg

This last one is by far the oldest and most precious. A dear childhood friend named Carroll gave it to me when we were in high school, for my 18th birthday. I haven't actually used it in many years because I don't want to tempt fate - I feel better having it sitting on the shelf so I can look up at it at any time and it can remind me that there was a time that I spoke French (passably), and went to Paris (twice), and cobalt blue was my favorite color (and still is).


Thanks for stopping by!

My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.

My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva
GIFs either found on or created by using Giphy, Tenor and ezGIF.

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...


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