Having a Slice of 'Heaven'

Hello, awesome Hivers :)

So the new week approached kinda discreetly without much chatter... well, except that the husband teased I have been barking and howling a lot longer this time, lol! No... not what you might be thinking. I am not nagging or yapping. Just the cough that comes and goes anytime of the day and at night. The sudden changes in the weather have something to do with it. Apparently, the coughing is an allergic reaction to the colder temperatures. It's nothing serious, thankfully.

And speaking of weather, today is drizzly, it's been so since first of this month which is quite odd considering it is summer. But I guess these weather changes are happening not only here in the country but also elsewhere. I remember reading another post saying it was the start of their summer but then the snow came. Others lamenting it's been raining in their place and they are fervently hoping for some sunshine.

Some time ago, I even teased a friend that I could send her the sun in exchange for some rain too, lol!

Anyway, the drizzle is much appreciated here in our town, especially in areas or farmlands where irrigation is difficult in summertime. So whilst I am not really fond of successive wet days, I cannot help but feel thankful and be happy for the farmers who are now getting their crops watered by mother nature. I can imagine how mirthful they must be today :)

I was just thinking about that while savoring a hot cup of black coffee and enjoying the comfort and warmth of our little abode.

And yes, add to that a slice of heaven through this sweet graham cake that came all the way from the little kids in the city. On other days, a box of this would have been finished within a day. But somehow, we managed to stretch it to 4 days, lol!

It's the fourth day of the month and Day 4 too of the April HiveBloPoMo challenge and I am glad I'm still on track. Are you on it too? I hope...

Thank you for reading me today and I wish you a blissful life, where ever you may be :)

All photos are my own.040422/12:03PH

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful ALWAYS!

FarmGirl writes from their little kingdom in the mountains of PHL.
She muses mostly about life, adventure/travel, nature, food, coffee, gardening and others.
You can also find her on Read -o- Noise -o- Torum -o- Twitter

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