Long Holiday Weekends and Returning to Work


After a long holiday weekend, I'm always busy. Today is no different. It's even worse than when I'm on vacation and return?

Why? As a business owner, certain things are expected of you from your clients. When I'm on vacation, there are still certain things that I have to do from a business standpoint. My husband and I are the only employees, so that means one of us has to keep up with everyday things. My clients know I'm on vacation, so they know that I won't be available for anything, but that I will keep up with things that have to be done every day. So, I typically don't get any new work while I'm on vacation.

When it's a holiday weekend, I don't work. I only issue refunds for one of my clients. Everyone else has a holiday, so I get one, too. My clients understand that. However, when I get back, I've got all that everyday work that I didn't do to get caught up on.

Why don't I just work on the holidays then? Well, I do need a break! It's also a time for family. Since everyone else (well most everyone else) gets a holiday at the same time, I don't feel guilty. So, I'll just have to deal with the extra work when I return, because that down time is necessary!

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