Wednesday is for Walking: The Story

I'll fly away when the leaves begin to fall
Fly away when the cold wind blows
Fly away to hide beneath the sun
Fly away, fly away


We are kept from our goal not by obstacles, but by a clear path to a lesser goal.
Robert Brault.

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I have always had long-range goals. Two years of school to get a nursing degree so that I could go to college and get a Bachelors's degree, but not in nursing. I took the long way home, but, it only took me five years for both degrees. I did work most weekends and some days off, but, in the end, I have to say, it was worth it. One could say that I went for the lesser goal and a clear path, but, the obstacle I had was financial. Sometimes we have to take the long way to get to where we need to be. I had a map, I just needed to follow the road I mapped out. I guess it worked out all right, because, here I am.

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Stepping out into the neighborhood, which is alive with color in some places, I walk towards the pond across the street. There are actually more nekkid trees and I have to carefully select the ones in color, we don't have far to go before the whole neighborhood stands chilled. I am enjoying the displays around the area. We are indeed lucky to have such a beautiful neighborhood that loves the holidays. I enjoy watching the cycle of life represented here. The beauty, the vulnerable winter, revealing her true self, and the regeneration as it comes once again. It gives you so many reasons to be in awe of Mother Nature. Berries of blue. How cool. Off to the forest!

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This post is dedicated to #WednesdayWalk by @Tattoodjay! This is where you try to get out for a short walk, it can be from your office, home or anywhere, and walk for a few blocks or a bit, looking for different images along the way. Don't forget to tag it with #wednesdaywalk and please leave a link to your post in the comment section of @tattodjay's #Wednesdaywalk post. If you don't do this, he may miss seeing it! Now, how about you pull on those shoes and get out for a walk - and hug a tree while you are there.

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Some people collect things. I collect memories. Still. I know that I have told you that before. Oh, yes! I am all about the memories and yet, I love to live in the moment. This is actually not an evergreen tree. It looks like one in the spring, it even has what I thought were needles, however, it is a deciduous tree, one which completely loses its foliage during the winter, or dry season in warmer climates. I had never seen one before moving here.

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Remember? I collect memories.
My tree of life. I pass her almost every day when I walk.
She has broken branches and cracked bark.
Sort of like real life, yes?

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Touch me. I do it every time.
I love to run my hands up and feel how it feels.
Taking my hands and running along with the texture of the bark.
There are so many ways.
To describe how it feels.
Rough, scaly, beautiful, to only name a few.
I love you, my tree, yes I do.

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Berrries. Mother Nature is a benevolent soul. She leaves the berries for the animals who stick around for the winter if you please. Giving them nourishment to hold them over to the next season. The spreading of seeds is commencing. Such a short walk today, or rather a long walk with few pictures. It is in that ugly duck stage, waiting to shed some of the lesser foliage. We will be back to see it again. Soon.She will be wearing a garment of a different color. We will see.

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December first is here in the blink of an eye! In keeping with the Christmas Countdown, I give you one seasonal picture and the day count! There are 24 days 00 hours 2 minutes and 17 seconds. I am running late tonight, so let me give you a twofer! The Christmas countdown with one seasonal picture and a flower. Always. To color my world. @alwaysaflower. And just like that, this post is over! Come back tomorrow and we will do it again!


All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

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Woodland Walk

A woodland walk among the leaves
Guided by the gentlest breeze
Branches so golden and roots, deep still in the earth
Shading my life from the decades that are spinning
One day
My tall, sturdy knight
Standing through the weather
the seasons of life
In this world that I had created
An all-knowing sense
Of truth, as we know it
Littering the Earth
Converging into one

Denise Wigle

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