Photography, books and children

The principal of the school where I am taking a French language course asked me to hold a photography workshop for children aged 11-14 who are learning the language with them. Even a few teachers from the school actively participated.
The goal was to have fun and learn the language differently. And I can say that it was fun for me too. I gave a short lecture on composition, light, motifs, edit, etc. I didn't want to bother them with theory for a long time. I brought my camera and laptop so we took a lot of photos together and processed them. The theme was "The Book".
In the end, I printed one photo from each student and with teachers prepared a small exhibition in the cafe.
We celebrated the opening of the exhibition with pancakes :)

Zorica 2.jpg

angela sekulovska.jpg

hRISTINA l..jpg


Klimentina Patce 1.jpg

Klimentina Patce 2.jpg


Petar Nikolovski - Copy.jpg

Sanja Pop-Nikolova.jpg

Zorica Simjanovska.jpg

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