HBD Payments in Sucre, Venezuela - Starting to Plateau?

November was not an especially strong month for the Hive Sucre HBD adoption project, the 13 week moving average is still mostly rising but at a slow pace.

Total Value.PNG

Purchase Count.PNG

Customer Count.PNG


Weekly change charts are showing a slightly negative trend.

Weekly change transfer value.PNG

Weekly change transfer count.PNG

Weekly change customers.PNG

Weekly change merchants.PNG

It appears likely that the project has hit some kind of limitation on its growth. I cannot say for certain what the cause of that is, and perhaps people who are closer to the project will have better ideas. One possibility is that we just aren't managing to keep users around, which is true for Hive as a whole.


Earlier in the year the number of active accounts with profile location data in Sucre was increasing, even relative to our overall Venezuelan userbase. That has dropped off in the last couple of months.

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