Texto: Esperanza , desperanzada./ Text: Hope, hopeless.


Una tarde, como cualquier otra, Alicia se sento en un banquito en alguna plaza de la ciudad de Caracas, antes de sentarse, recorrió algunos lugares y fotografió los objetos y paisajes que le parecían agradables y raros. Se sentó a esperar, por 1 hora , como quien espera que alguien llegue en su búsqueda, incluso a salvarla de su infierno. Ella se encontraba esa tarde con la mirada tristemente perdida , su respiración lenta y pausada, sus latidos del corazón a penas se escuchaban.

One afternoon, like any other, Alicia sat on a bench in a plaza in the city of Caracas. Before sitting down, she toured some places and photographed the objects and landscapes that she found pleasant and strange. She sat down to wait, for 1 hour, like someone who waits for someone to come in search of her, even to save her from her hell. She looks sadly lost that afternoon, her breathing slow and slow, her heartbeat barely heard.


Ese día se canso de esperar el encuentro anunciado, ella podía palpar como las horas pasaban a su alrededor, y ella allí, ausente, estática, con la esperanza rota. La gente a su alrededor paseaba aparentemente feliz, jartandose de dulces, de chocolates. Pasaron dos horas y su esperanza se desesperanzo. Agarro vuelo, sin alas , decidio esa tarde regresar a ella misma. Al decidirse, un hombre desconocido se sienta a su lado, primero le pide permiso antes de hacerlo. Alicia permite que el hombre se siente,llevaba un pantalón y chaqueta negra, ojos azules casi verdes, era alto y tenia voz gruesa. Alicia a pesar de estar ahogada en su soledad no deseaba hablar con nadie, estaba sumergida en su libro de poesía, pero las campanas de la iglesia hicieron que ella saliera de la prosa leída y elevo la mirada algo aturdida hacia la iglesia. El hombre, le dijo: "si , esas campanas suenan cada media hora"
Alicia, responde si con una sonrisa educada. en seguida el hombre le ofrece un cigarro, Alicia no acepto. Era claro que el hombre desconocido necesitaba compañia, la soledad no es tan llevadera cuando el amor propio es escaso. El hombre comenzo a contarle a Alicia sobre su madre. La madre del hombre habia fallecido de cancer.

That day she got tired of waiting for the announced meeting, she could feel how the hours passed around her, and she there, absent, static, with broken hope. The people around him strolled apparently happy, carrying sweets, chocolates. Two hours passed and his hope despaired. She took flight, without wings, she decided that afternoon to return to herself. When making up his mind, an unknown man sits next to him, first asking his permission before doing so. Alicia allows the man to sit down, he was wearing black pants and jacket, almost green blue eyes, he was tall and had a thick voice. Alicia, despite being drowned in her loneliness, did not want to talk to anyone, she was immersed in her poetry book, but the church bells made her leave the prose read and she raised her gaze somewhat stunned towards the church. The man said: "yes, those bells ring every half hour"
Alicia responds with a smile. immediately the man offers her a cigarette, Alicia did not accept. It was clear that the unknown man needs company, loneliness is not so bearable when self-love is scarce. The man began to tell Alicia about his mother. The man's mother had died of cancer.


Luego de que el hombre se desahogara, se marcho. Alicia siguió allí hasta anochecer, eran las 7:00 pm , seguía esperando ser salvada por alguien, quizá por Dios, pero se dio cuenta esa tarde de que la única responsable de ser salvada era suya. Nadie mas podía salvarla de si misma.

After the man unburdened himself, he left. Alicia continued there until nightfall, it was 7:00 pm, she was still waiting to be saved by someone, perhaps by God, but she realized that afternoon that the only person responsible for being saved was hers. No one else could save her from herself.


Se canso de esperar, esperar tantas palabras cansadas de ser dichas. Esperar, siempre esperar, dicen que no se debería esperar ni por la esperanza.

He got tired of waiting, waiting for so many tired words to be said. Wait, always wait, they say that one should not wait even for hope.



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