Mi primera historia.(ESP-ENG)

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Good evening beautiful community, this is the first post I do here after searching where to post it and not convincing me, today I want to bring you a story of a topic that I have not seen anyone post on hive yet, if you are sensitive to erotic or sexual content, please do not read this post.

Buenas noches hermosa comunidad, esta es la primera publicación que hago aquí despues de buscar donde publicarla y no convencerme, hoy les quiero traer una historia de un tema que no he visto a nadie postear en hive aun, si eres sensible a contenido erotico o sexual, por favor no leas este post.



It all began one summer afternoon when my friend's sister, only 18 years old, being the older of the two of them, had the responsibility of the home thrust upon her when her mother was diagnosed with an illness,
They lived in the same house just the three of them in the middle of the 1990s.

Todo comienza una tarde de verano donde la hermana de mi amigo de solo 18 años, siendo la mayor de ellos dos le recae la responsabilidad del hogar encima, cuando la madre le detectan una enfermedad, vivían en la misma casa solo ellos tres en plena década del 1990.



Tormented, attending the technical school in Old Havana, she decides to look for a job and they close the doors, leaving her free for a world she never expected to have to live in.

Atormentada, cursando el técnico medio en la habana vieja, decide buscar trabajo y les cierran las puertas dejándola libre para un mundo del que ella nunca espero tener que vivir.



Parties and outings began to come from people older than her, friends and classmates, until she met the person who would support her, but in exchange for what, her freedom.

Empezaron a venir fiestas y salidas de personas mayores que ella, amigos y compañeros de clase, hasta que conoció a dicha persona que la mantendría, pero a cambio de qué, de su libertad.



It turns out that my friend's sister would now have a master, yes as you read, he would be her master and she would be his new slave. Luckily for her, who had not had a very good history with her previous relationships, since no one had been able to make her reach ecstasy in a sexual relationship, he was going to change her luck. The first experience she had, she was sent to an address, which was a motel, and he would be waiting for her. When she arrived at the door she had some directions which said.

Resulta ser que la hermana de mi amigo tendria ahora un amo, sí como leen, el seria su amo y ella su nueva esclava. Para suerte de ella que no habia tenido muy buena historia con sus relaciones anteriores, pues ya nadie pudo lograr que ella llegara el extasis en una relación sexual, le iba a cambiar esa suerte. La primera experiencia que tubo, fue mandada a una dirección, la cuál era un motel, y el la estaría esperando. Al llegar en la puerta tenia unas indicaciones las cuáles decian.


  1. Eyes covered with the bandage on the right./Ojos tapados con la venda de la derecha.
  2. Change shoes to black heels with red soles./ Cambiarse los zapatos por los tacones negros de suela roja.
  3. Put on the lingerie that was purchased for use in this room./ Póngase la lenceria que se compro para su uso en esta habitación.

Carrying out all the orders as she had been instructed outside the room, she proceeded to enter, guided by her master's voice she felt herself being handcuffed to a bed with open hands and feet, clips on her nipples squeezed and an anal plug felt being put in. The girl was in a trance as it was the first time she had ever experienced such a situation. Between the doubt of stopping or continuing, she decided to continue experiencing a strange pain that excited her a little more as time went by. For the next half hour she felt them kissing, touching and biting her all over her body, never touching her breasts or her vagina, which made her even more horny. The moment came when she couldn't take any more pleasure and started begging for them to make love to her.

Cumpliendo todas las ordenes como le habian encomendado fuera de la habitación, procedio a entrar, guiada por la voz de su amo sintió como la esposaban a una cama de manos y pies abiertos, unas presillas en sus pezones apretaban y un plug anal sintió que le ponían. Estaba la muchacha en trance pues era primera vez que experimentaba una situacion asi. Entre la duda de parar o seguir, decidió seguir experimentando un extraño dolor que la excitaba segun pasaba el tiempo un poquito más. En la siguiente media hora sentia que la besaban, la tocaban y mordian en todo el cuerpo, nunca le tocaron ni los senos ni su vagina, lo cuál la calentaba más aún. Llego el momento que no pudo aguantar más de placer y empezo a suplicar porque le hicieran el amor.



Pero que creen, que el paro? No, que va ahora era que empezaba el show, le quitó la venda y las presillas de los pezones y la sangre al lograr llegar a esos lados le daba mas placer, ella no podia creer que tan bien se sentía, a lo que su dueño respondio pasandole un cubito de hielo por estas partes y el contraste del frío y del calor en nuestra querida amiga le ponía los pelos de punta, y la boca cerrar no podía. Creen que se acaba aquí? Pues no aún no, el hielo la excito un poco más, pero no fue hasta que vino el señor con una vela y se le paró delante dejandole caer la cera en todo el cuerpo, la quemaba?, pues no, era una sensación unica de placer que la persona que no la haya experimentado se espantaria, acto seguido le presento un vibrador en su vagina y fue el BOOM, nuestra amiga lloraba, gritaba, gemia de tanta felicidad, habia encontrado quién la podia satisfacer y lograr que tuviera un orgasmo, sentia que se orinaba, la cama era un rio de todos los fluidos que habia soltado en ese rato hasta que quedó dormida.

But what do they think, unemployment? No, now the show was starting, he removed the blindfold and the nipple loops and the blood reaching those sides gave her more pleasure, she could not believe how good it felt, to which her owner responded by passing her an ice cube in these parts and the contrast of cold and heat in our dear friend made her hair stand on end, and she could not close her mouth. Do you think it ends here? Well, not yet, the ice excited her a little more, but it was not until the man came with a candle and stood in front of her letting the wax fall all over her body, did it burn her? Well no, it was a unique sensation of pleasure that the person who has not experienced it would be frightened, then he introduced a vibrator in her vagina and it was BOOM, our friend was crying, screaming, moaning of so much happiness, she had found who could satisfy her and make her have an orgasm, she felt like she was peeing, the bed was a river of all the fluids that she had released in that time until she fell asleep.


When she woke up she hugged her master so tightly that she swore to him to be loyal for life, but only if he promised her that every night he would make her feel the same way she felt with her first orgasm, to which he accepted, since he had other plans for her, but that is for the next story.
I hope you enjoyed this story, if you liked it leave me a comment.
Thank you.

Al despertar abrazaba tan fuerte a su amo, que le juro lealtad para toda la vida pero solo si el le prometia que cada noche iba a hacerla sentir igual que lo que sintió con su primer orgasmo, a lo cuál el aceptó, ya que tenía otros planes para ella, pero eso queda para la próxima historia.
Espero que hayan disfrutado de este cuento, si les gusto déjenme su comentario.



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