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Hola! Queridos amigos en hive blog.

El día de hoy, les vengo con un relato. De esos que me gusta llamar "Historias reales"

Hi! Dear friends on hive blog.

Today, I bring you a story. Of those that I like to call "real stories"

Normalmente las series de tv y muchas películas nos dejan la sensación de que él en menos 60 minutos alguien puede pasar de tener su vida hecho un desastre, luego prosperar y ser el humano mas feliz del planeta.

Normally TV series and many movies leave us feeling that in less than 60 minutes someone can go from having his life in a mess, then prospering and being the happiest human on the planet.

~Dicha perspectiva no es real y crea conflicto cuando relatamos experiencias propias o nos enteramos de las vivencias de las personas a nuestro alrededor.~

~ This perspective is not real and creates conflict when we relate our own experiences or learn about the experiences of the people around us. ~

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Había una vez una niña de 8 años, la cual fue maltratada. Su mamá, al pasar los años decide sé separarse de su papá biológico . Rápidamente encontró una nueva pareja, era descuidada y indolente porque a hija con solo 12 años fue violada por su padrastro.

Once upon a time, there was an 8-year-old girl who was abused. His mother, over the years, decides to separate from her biological father. She quickly found a new partner, was careless and indolent because a daughter with only 12 years was raped by her stepfather.

Llegó la oportunidad, entonces la niña habló con su mamá lo que estaba aconteciendo. Sobre lo ocurrido con su padrastro. Ella no contaba con que su mamá no le creía.

The opportunity came, so the girl spoke with her mother about what was happening. About what happened to her stepfather. She didn't count on her mom not believing her.

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Prefiriendo a su pareja, despojándose de la casa. Al enterarse su padre, fue a buscar está aceptando la ayuda empezó a vivir con su papá y este periodo fue aproximadamente 2 años.

Preferring your partner, stripping yourself of the house. When his father found out, he went looking for he was accepting help, he began to live with his father and this period was approximately 2 years.

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Su papá, se hartó de vivir con una adolescente y alegaba no soportarla. Nuevamente se la llevó a su mamá, ahora tenía 14 años continuó el maltrato y ella se refugió en los estudios con la esperanza de superar su calidad de vida. Esta expectativa no la comprendía su madre, la cual en retiradas ocasiones la obligaba a trabajar haciéndose desentendida de mantenerla.

His dad got sick of living with a teenage girl and claimed he couldn't stand her. Again he took her to his mother, now she was 14 years old, the abuse continued and she took refuge in her studies hoping to improve her quality of life. This expectation was not understood by her mother, who on retired occasions forced her to work , making herself ignorant of supporting her.

Con 15 años cruzaba secundaria, empezó a salir un grupo de compañeras donde las fiestas eran continuamente, no había discoteca que la niña no conociera.

At the age of 15, she was crossing high school, a group of classmates began to leave where the parties were continuously, there was no disco that the girl did not know.

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En un intento desesperado para sacar sus estudios adelante, se consiguió un novio. El mismo tenía problemas de carácter, que le daba mala vida y se separó. Con tantas decepciones, lamentaciones sobre sus amistades y familia. Entonces la joven presentaba problemas emocionales y sentía que su mente no funcionaba correctamente, empezó a temer volverse loca totalmente.

In a desperate attempt to further her studies, she found a boyfriend. He himself had character problems, which gave him a bad life and he separated. With so many disappointments, regrets about his friends and family.
Then the young presented emotional problems and felt that her mind was not working properly, she began to fear going totally crazy.

Finalmente con 16 años, se le brindó un hogar sustituto donde otra mujer le dio cariño y el amor de madre que tanto anhelaba. Quiso darse una nueva oportunidad en el amor , inició una nueva relación con un joven y acepto vivir con el solo 4 años. De esa relación le quedó un hijo, consta con 3 años actualmente.

Finally at 16 years old, he was given a foster home where another woman gave him the affection and mother's love he so longed for. He wanted to give himself a new chance in love , started a new relationship with a young man and agreed to live with him only 4 years old. From that relationship he had a son, he is currently 3 years old.

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Con 22 años, un mar de lágrimas en su corazón debido a una infidelidad y dejó todas las comodidades que el le brindaba. Sola con el bebé se encontraba, encontró refugio en una iglesia, donde buscaba y quería aprender más de Dios.
At 22 years old, a sea of ​​tears in his heart due to an infidelity and he left all the comforts that he offered him. She was alone with the baby, found refuge in a church, where she sought and wanted to learn more about God.

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Allí se encontró con una gran amiga cristiana, la cuales la acompañó en su proceso de organizar su vida y perdonar a todos los que le menospreciaron.

There she met a great Christian friend, who accompanied her in her process of organizing her life and forgiving all those who belittled her.



"Vengan a mí todos ustedes que están cansados y agobiados, y yo les daré descanso."

Mateo 11:28.

"Come to me all of you who are tired and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Matthew 11:28.

¡Ciertamente! si nos ponemos a indagar lo suficiente, encontramos historias parecidas y algunas con diferente final. La protagonista de este corto relato no ha muerto, nos enseña que vale la pena darse una oportunidad de cambiar.

Certainly! If we dig deep enough, we find similar stories and some with a different ending. The protagonist of this short story has not died, she teaches us that it is worth giving yourself a chance to change.

Ella se refugió en lo espiritual, la palabra de Dios le enseñó a dejar el pasado atrás. Seas creyente o no, publico esta historia porque el próximamente.

25 de Abril: Día Internacional de la Lucha contra el Maltrato Infantil.

"Si conoces a alguien que esté siendo abusado apóyalo, oriéntale y no escondas tu mano amiga".

She took refuge in the spiritual, the word of God taught her to leave the past behind. Whether you are a believer or not, I publish this story because he is coming soon.

25 April: International Day for the Fight against Child Abuse.

"If you know someone who is being"If you know someone who is being abused, support them, guide them and do not hide your helping hand."



I hope you like it.
See you in the next post.


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