Not your corner.

Many would say I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. They would be wrong, my bed is against a wall so I only have one side. I made sure it was the wrong side.

Anyway, this is not about the softfork, that does not even give me a semi. It is not about communities because, woopie fucking doo.

Not really sure what this is about, so I went for a smoke. While walking in my circle of cancer, hoping it will evoke some kind of spirit because by now it is quite ritual-like. Alas, no such luck. No magical distractions for me... or is it.

fucking people.jpg

I walk my occult of cancer circle on the brick section which is in front of the store, as you can see it is right by the road and actually on a corner.

As we all know corners attract the strangest people.

So these people were interrupting my slow burn suicide by yapping on the corner. I measured the distance and it was within 15 steps of me. They even lowered their voice so they were well aware of the transgression.

Fucking rude.

As you can see in the image there is a whole empty sidewalk right across the road. They could also have moved up to the turn and would have been at a comfortable distance from me.

The way I see it they had no reason to maliciously afflict me with their voices and the sense of them being able to easily cross the distance before I knew it and then talk to me.

Fortunately, that did not happen. Even if it did I have enough skillz to then pass as someone who is all too happy to listen to their words and respond in an acceptable manner. This works 99% of the time and will have people on their way without too much effort.

Although it will never save me the internal suffering it does save me physical suffering... to an extent.

Well that was a whole lot of nothing

Part of what bugged me, other their existence is the conversation I caught a bit of. Another reason people should keep their distance from others when possible is to avoid inflicting eavesdropping on them.

All I heard though was: "Maybe if they knew you were engaged," but in Afrikaans which obviously makes it much worse. I don't care what anyone says if you are on a corner and speaking a native language you are automatically less classy than the person speaking English.

I happen to know the, well know from seeing the two people yapping within my personal space like that. The girl, in particular, is a cashier and I find it very difficult to believe she never told this other party that she is engaged.

I knew she was, I also knew when she wasn't. Heck, I even know that she has to walk home because of this or that issue. All I ever do is buy fucking cat food. Max 30 seconds at the till and I am very thankful that when I get to leave because of all the inbred family drama.

I am trying to figure out how to cut this short.

I am sure I can be a very understanding person. I have a lot of empathy and stuff stored up. Sometimes I use it.

This time not so much.

The only points I can give them is for not being breeders. Yet. Give it a bit and the thing will have children and then it is everyone else's problem.

The guy that was standing by her is obviously complicit in my fuckitation, the asshole probably lives for the drama. Playing a sincere and understanding friend. Sharing bits and pieces from his life that involve people he thinks he has a say over.

From their hand gestures and the seriousness on their faces to the slouch in their stance and obviously I know they are yapping about bullshit family matters, and friendlications without being critical instead just being needy.

I am all for bitching and moaning, what do you think this is?

I am not a fan of people thinking that their little family or friends mean anything or matters to anyone other than themselves.

Ideally, I wish they could have been crushed under the weight of all that unnecessary neediness, arrogance in the way they think these people who hurt their feelings owe them something.

You just know "...maybe they did not know you were engaged." is a retort to this idiot bragplaining about someone that probably hit on her. Then that fucking moron fair enough assumes that is the case. This then leads her to explain a lot of other bullshit to keep them on the topic he just dismissed and he obviously then has the go-to to talk about his girlfriend and maybe something along the lines of yeah if it was my girl... blah fucking blah.

They just pissed me off for not moving further away. Fucking cunts.

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