Nonsensical Control

I don't care to control much outside of my influence. I don't mind bitching a lot about the things I can't control outside my influence.

Maybe that is a contradiction.

Most people I think like to control other people, specifically most people have this idea that others have to listen to them. Then they expect family, friends and random future deceased things to act on those.

Now fair enough a person has to tell others what you want or need them to do. Mostly it's just their wants. Because people confuse that with need. No one needs anyone else to really do anything other than what their social contract dictates.

If you are an employee the only thing you need from your boss is to not beat you with a stick and to pay on time.

If you have a friend the only thing you need from them ... Ok the analogy breaks down at that point. Because apart from being paid on time like with a boss, the only thing a person needs from other people is for them to not beat you with a stick and to for the most part not bother you too much.

If they insist on bothering you, like your mother phones or asks things constantly then you need to just determine if it is a mild inconvenience with less bitching as a reward or if they should be gotten rid of instead.

The simplest method of control I know is also my preferred method. It is to just let people burn. The procedure is simple, state your opinion, want and then leave it be.

Whether people follow or not does not matter, when they burn they are twice as shy. Mostly applicable to dealing with customers and maybe some call it malicious compliance while covering your ass.

Either way, I am bored now and forgot why I started typing this post again. The first time Ecency cleared my content because I pressed something and it cycled through the button options on the screen. Pisses me right off, but meh I can't control it so fuck it. I can only control what I do after.

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