I Can Eat It With Anything


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Hello guys, it’s another weekly prompt and here to submit my entry. This week’s topic is on our favorite food. Maybe that’s a bit too good for the foodies or maybe it’s even harsh😅. How will the foodies decide on what to write about hehe. Even I don’t like food that much but I kind of had a hard time deciding my favorite food. You can click here if you want to check the contest out.

I finally settled on this food. I believe your best or favorite food should be one that you could probably eat three times a day and not get fed up. It should be one that when you step into a bar or restaurant you’re probably looking to it.


My favorite food

Maybe this is not exactly a food but hear me out. My favorite food is anything with beans stew. I can take anything with beans stew. I knew I liked beans stew but even I didn’t know how much I loved it till three years ago when I gained admission intro the university.

In the hostel I stay, the boys cooked beans stew almost everyday and since it was something I already liked I didn’t have problems with it.

Fast forward l can prepare my own beans stew now and given the chance I’ll cook it everyday.😂

What can you eat with beans stew? Literally anything. You can eat beans stew alone, with gari, with yam, plantain, with rice, with banku, just name it.

It’s not difficult to prepare just that it can be time consuming.

What ingredients do you need? You need beans, oil, tomatoes, tomato paste, onions, salt, magi, macquerel or fish, meat. These are the important ones but if you want to spice it up can add green pepper, sausages, carrots, and spices.

How do you cook your beans stew? This is just my quick recipe. I’m not good chef but I try.😅

Boil your beans for sometime till it becomes soft or how you like it. Prepare your stew next. Preparing your stew is totally up to your discretion cos basically you just pour the boiled beans into the stew.

To prepare the stew, I cut my vegetables, blend my onions and tomatoes and pour some palm or red oil into the saucepan. I then pour the blended onions and tomatoes into the heated oil and stir. I then add tomato paste next and add salt and magi. I then stir.

Make sure to taste the stew to ensure sure you don’t put too much salt. I then add the macquerel or canned fish and stir. If I have green peppers and carrot, I add it to my stew but if not, I’m good to go from here.

Next, I add some water and allow the stew to simmer. I then pour the boiled beans into my stew and taste for salt. And just like almost done. The rest is to taste for salt and. Leave the beans and stew on fire for a while and take it off the stove when it’s ready.

That was fast right, cooking beans stew is not difficult at all. Maybe a bit time consuming cos you have to boil the beans but the rest is not at all stressful.

You can eat it alone or serve with yam, rice or something else.


Here you have it friends, this is a little about my favorite food and how it’s prepared.

Thank you.

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