What the future holds

On a Saturday morning whilst tutoring three kids preparing for their English language and quantitative reasoning exams. I gave them some values from their textbooks to solve to decipher if they have gotten a grip on what was taught. Whilst waiting for them to be done, I thought to rummage through the hive and probably scribble down a tidbit writing then I came across this post where this question was posed;


I smiled and posed these questions to the kids, who raised their heads and answered without an in-depth thought as though prepared for it before it was asked;

• Starting with the 8-year-old who is trying to get a grip on reading as he wasn’t guided earlier as well as getting rid of the ideology that he is dull, answered: ‘I will go back in time to pass my exams.’

• The 10-year-old who started reading a few months ago and is picking up on spelling words answered: ‘I will go back in time to correct my mistakes since I know better now’ and

• The 6-year-old who is doing exceptionally academically answered: ‘I want to see what I did as a baby’.

Funny right? The first two answered based on what they are going through with bits of awareness and eagerness to be better while the other was curious about what was not known.

For me I love how every day is a surprise an unraveling of what the day offers, I guess that is why it is called present yielding towards ‘the gift’.
I have made peace with my past and an understanding of why most of the things that happened to me did, hence, done with the past and forging ahead. Although if this question was posed to me a few years back my choice would have been to go to the time before my dad's passing and ensure a future with my dad being in the picture is a go. He is resting, I won’t let my selfish desires ruin that.

What does the future hold?

I am curious and if allowed to use a time machine. My curiosity will take the lead for sure. Here it goes…

If I had a time machine I would go to the future to see who my spouse is - how handsome, supportive and energetic he is with such kindness in his eyes and if allowed to stay long enough to spy, I would love to see what my dreams, aspirations and hard work has brought to reality.

The gorgeous boss lady, who is a go-getter when in her field of expertise and workspace although like Cinderella she is so humble, kind, giving and ordinary that she still blends with the masses to be hardly singled out as stinkingly wealthy. Lastly, to see the beautiful and well-brought-up kids we bore in love.

I know for sure I might ruin our perfect meeting with this new knowledge and probably look for him, leaving my growth on the back burner.

After knowing, the grace to keep shut and patiently wait will be a skill I need to acquire beforehand. So maybe not knowing and leaving it to be a surprise as I dream positively as well as put in the work is my best bet to striving. 😁

I enjoyed every bit of this little dreaming phase and if you would love to delve into your dreams. Do have a go at this question by participating in the contest.

®️Whitney Alexander

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