If I Had a Time Machine, I’d Sell It

Whilst the concept of time travel seems fascinating to many people, I don’t think I’m a fan of this fantasy. Or at least not anymore.

Rather than explore the fantasy of time travel, I think I have a much better reason why I would rather trade the ticket.

I’m in a stage of my life where I don’t place so much importance on what happened in the past or what would happen in the future. I’m very much content with the ideology that whoever I am today is a result of who I was yesterday, and the decisions I make today will be the foundations of what I’ll become in the future. I cherish what’s happening now and I’m more focused on self-improvement and I have no desire to alter the past or explore different time periods.

This is not to imply that my life is perfect and I haven’t made some bad decisions in the past. With the knowledge I have now, I certainly would have thought more carefully about certain situations that I didn’t put much thought into in the past. There are many things I could have said or done more carefully or even completely avoided if I knew the impact it’d have on my future.

However, what would happen if I travel to the past to change certain things? Would that make my life perfect now? What’ll be the impact of that change on other aspects of life? And even if I just travel to watch without actually altering anything, what would I do with that information?

I believe I already have too much information in my present life. Honestly, I would save myself this stress.

And how about travel to the future? Well instead of trying to see what would happen in the future, I would rather sell the machine for the highest bid possible and probably become one of the richest folks.

That’ll be much more fantastic than travel to the past or the future. With the newly acquired wealth, I’ll now be certain of having fulfilling relationships, meaningful experiences, and a sense of purpose in the present. This is far better than delving into the complexities and uncertainties of time travel.

Nevertheless, It's important to note that these reasons are not universal, and different people may have their own unique perspectives and motivations for being interested in the fantasy of time travel. A good reason why there would be a compelling market for my Time Machine.

Thanks to @ecency-star for this interesting topic. This is my entry to this week’s contest
I made my cover photo using Canva.

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