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My Job (contest)

I remember my strong feelings or dream of becoming a medical doctor. Everything changed during my secondary School days. I clearly heard the Lord Jesus telling me that my new job will bring permanent healing to humanity. It took me a while to understand what type of job has the ability of healing people permanently.

After some moment of serious reasoning, it became so clear to my faculty of reasoning that only one type of job has the ability of granting permanent healing. And that is the pastoral ministry or job. It's only through this job that people can be healed completely, lives are completely transformed through this ministry, lost or shattered hope is restored only through this job, and only in this job salvation is offered from the Lord Jesus Christ!

Going through the Theological seminary, I understood that Theology is the source of all sciences and the rooth of all knowledge! Therefore, being a pastor is a noble task!

In some communities that I have served as a pastor, I was at some point regarded as the first aid medical doctor, and sometimes seen as a soldier, in some situations my advice will be so effective that some situations will end up on positive notes!

Being a pastor is so much demanding, in fact pastoral job is one of the most difficult jobs as far as my understanding is concern.

The work of any other profession terminats after death, but that of a pastor continues even after death. In other words, when death occurs, a pastor is always call upon to conduct burial while medical doctors, engineers, and others will be far off.

I love doing my job as a pastor. I may not be financially rich but I have peace that no riches can bring. The pastoral work gets me so much fatigue but my strength is always coming from God.

I AM GLAD I AM YOUR PASTOR! (Jesus loves you)