Autumn comes with perfect weather, minus the incessant rains. The weather is cool without being too cold or hot, and when I think about this season, I think of sit-outs with friends, beer, barbecue, or stargazing.


Naturally, I am not one to make plans for outdoorsy things to do at a given time, as most of my hangouts or outings are almost spontaneous. This fall, though, I am looking forward to one wedding—one between two of my friends—as well as the naming ceremony of my friend and work colleague. I love and enjoy celebrating with people, although I need to mentally prepare myself for it. For any major outing or hangout I attend, I need at least two to three weeks of recuperation afterwards.

This fall, as always, I look forward to my mother’s birthday. I love celebrating her on that day; she keeps reminding me that birthdays are special and that it is just another opportunity to be thankful for life—the one lived, the one being lived, and the one that would be lived. My younger sister also comes home to spend time with us this fall. We rarely have her around, as she comes just twice or three times a year since she stays far away from us.

My plan this autumn is to take things easy, enjoy the moment with my family and friends, and deal with life as it comes. And if anything different comes up, I will be sure to share it with you on Hive.

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