Outdoor - a door to expression.

Outdoor or Indoor

Happy week ahead to all hiveans in ecenctial community. With the hope, the week ahead proves to be more productive, let me get involved in the topic, indoors or outdoors.

As we had a beautiful weekend last week, with family and friends on a friend's wedding reception, the first thing that came into my mind was outdoors.

The major differences between indoors and outdoors, according to me, is being at home (indoors) reduces the capacity to open up our mind. This is mainly because we have fixed routine where, the main object is to complete the task within a specified time. While at out ( outdoors ) its always an exposure, a freedom to express at ease. If its with family members you have a good lot of fun to exchange. This is the only time when family reunion takes place, where each one of them gets an opportunity to open up their mind.

Being an Outdoor person has its own advantages:

  • to know oneself better that anybody else.
  • to acquaint with new friends
  • to enhance information, that favours you
  • to develop new skills

To mention these are just a few. And above all, learning to be patient which is not evident, with the present generation.

If you wish to give your opinion kindly find the details in this post.

The photos captured are my own, from my friend's weekend reception. Thanks for your visit.

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