A determined goal for 2024

Wishing all Hiveans a very Happy New year ahead, with the hope their desired goal is accomplished by the end of 2024.


Too many goals in this short span of time, as time is always limited. In this limited time here is my goal to stick on to a scheduled time so that to some extent, I could reach to whatever I planned for the day or the month.

I have the habit of skipping from one work to another when I don't get the desired result. In short, leaving the work incomplete. Not always, but sometimes it just happens. Due to this, i often feel myself incomplete where Iam unable to focus on a particular work.

Most of us try to complete the work that we are interested in. But then there are other jobs, we have to get involved of less interest, which I probably ignore, thinking it can be done later. But, this later, has always put me in problems especially medical issues.

So I wish to keep up with a time schedule as my main goal for 2024.

Once your time becomes your main priority, the rest will move on as per you schedule.

If you wish to be a part of this contest click the link and put forward your main goal.


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