My dream

My Dream

Everyone have aspiration. A lot of people have mentors or fore-bearers and they look up to them. Whoever or whatever, anyone dreamt of is always on good faith to actualize it soon. Our dream job, work or position in the society have been the reason why we work hard daily to get. With good plan and hardwork, anyone can be great. I belong to that percentage of humans that want to be urban planner.

My Life as an Urban Planner

I have an uncle who is a trained urban planner. He motivates us a lot and equip us to be a great planner. He taught us geography as a subject when we are teenage and prepares our mind to be highly receptive when we are in geography classes at school. He serves as a mentor to us. He loves Earth and human habitation. He plans how humans should live in the settlement, manage the dangers therein and promote healthy and sustainable living for future generations. We wanted to be like him.

I started as a Teacher after my high school. I taught my students well. It was not a surprise that I was teaching my students geography as a subject. They really enjoy my classes because I was passionate and full of zeal. Many of my students are doing very good on environmental courses like surveying, Planner, Property Management etc.

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At my University level, I was fully trained a urban planner. I'm certified and trained practically on how a city can be designed, managed and controlled. Many of my models are fully implemented and used by the people designed for. I have practised with other firms and governmental agencies.

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