Daily Sustainable Practices

This topic reminded me of a course I took back then in school on a lot of sustainable practices we can incorporate into our daily routines to help protect the planet and make it more sustainable and healthier for future generations to come. Some of which are listed below.

Conserving energy: This is one practice you must learn as long as you grew up under my father's roof. Whenever we are not using our lights or electronic appliances, we turn them off. We even had to switch to energy-efficient light bulbs as our own little way of promoting a healthier planet.

Conserving water: Some people are very good at wasting water, but I think we can do better in our own little way by fixing leaks around the house, reducing our water consumption if possible by taking shorter showers, etc.


Reduce, reuse, recycle: I think everyone should know this because I have seen a lot of commercials promoting it. You can minimize waste by reducing your daily consumption of some stuffs, reusing some items whenever possible, and recycling stuff like cans, plastic bottles, papers, cups, etc.

Reducing emissions from transportation: I remember when our lecturer said we could walk, use bikes, or use public transportation to reduce emissions instead of everyone using their personal car whenever possible, and the majority of the class said God forbid. I understand better now. We could also explore the option of using electric or hybrid cars.

I think we need to become conscious of how to make daily sustainable choices to reduce environmental impact and keep our planet healthier.


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