Try Again If You Fail.

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Warmest greetings all. This is my first post here and I got to know about this contest after I saw @beckyroyal's post.

Everyday we hear or read books containing different quotes, phrases and proverbs and we find out that one way or the other, they impact our lives for good.

The ones which I have used or heard people use are

Make hay while the sun shines

Try again if you fail

Live and let live

It is not the end of the road

Amongst all these, the one which I would say is my favorite because it has been helpful is

Try again if you fail

This is a word of encouragement for us not to give up and abandon everything in the event of any failure be it in business, examination, project, marriage, relationship, cooking, just anything - rather we should give it one last push, another chance, another try until we have a success story to tell.

I remember the first time I tried making chin chin, it was a total flop. After mixing all the ingredients and making the batter, it was time for cutting but they was gumming together. So I said since they will separate when put in the oil so continued with the cutting, after which I commenced frying.

Dear friends, I got the shock of my life as the cut chin chin stuck together like siamese twins, not only that they were as soft as what I don't know.
When I saw that it wasn't going to work out, I molded the batter and fried as donuts. It was so hilarious.

After my unsuccessful first attempt, I didn't feel discouraged nor give up, rather I went back to the drawing board to find out why I failed to make a perfect chin chin.
My findings were that I added way too much eggs and water in the mixture. Imagine using four eggs in a cup of flour😂
Having found out where the error was I tried it the second time, it turned out okay and I continued till I can now make a crunchy yummy chin chin for my family and for sale too.
I was able to succeed because I didn't give up when I failed the first time.

This is my entry to the Ecency star writing contest - my favorite quote. Thank you for reading.

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

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