Summer Activities

@ecency-star released a prompt today asking us to talk about some interesting summer activities and sports that we enjoy, and would like to do this summer.

Here's A Link To The Post, If You'd Like To Check It Out.



A few summers ago me and some friends went out Kayaking, and it was really fun.

There's a huge river that runs through our town, and along the river walk, there is a kayak rental place, which is really reasonably priced. Renting a kayak gets it, along with a life jacket, for some protection while out along the river.

It's not something I had ever done before, and I haven't done it since, especially because we didn't have a decent summer last year. This year seems to be fairly decent, so we're going to organise a day to it, at some point soon.


The last time we went, we didn't prepare too much, and we had nothing when we got out there.

This time though, I'll be sure to bring something to drink, and some food locked up in sealable bags, and also a change of clothes. When I was out in it I was being careful, but ended up getting fairly soaked. It wasn't a major deal, as it was really warm out, but I wouldn't mind having a change for afterwards.

Water sports have never really been my thing, and that is the first kind of water activity I enjoyed. Also, it's a good bit of exercise, because I noticed my arms were dead by the time we finished.

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