Some Photos From Rebellion Festival 2023

@ecency-star released a prompt yesterday, and I thought it would be a good one to use to share a few pictures that we've received since playing Rebellion Festival in Blackpool 2023.

At the time of being over there, I was able to keep up the daily posting, and I shared a few pictures here and there, but none of us actually played our set because at the time we didn't get any of them.

Here's The Link To The Post If You'd Like To Join In, And Share Some of The Fun Things You Did This Summer.

Here's a good picture taken from a friend of ours, and he sent it over to us a couple of days later. I'm delighted he was able to get all four of us, because most of the time when getting a "full band" picture, the drummer is usually behind one of the other members and completely out of the shot.

Who's that handsome devil playing the bass? Haha, I don't usually photograph well, but the in-house photographers were able to do a good job.

I was given a large red cable for my bass when I got up there at the start because the one I brought with me was tiny. The singer put my setlist on the ground at the front of the stage and asked if it was alright there, and I was essentially chained to the amp with the stupid lead I brought with me. Luckily one of the engineers saw my predicament and helped me out.

There's the man, the myth, the legend himself as he stares wistfully at the singer of the band and wondering why he's got a jacket on.

This photo must have been taken early during the set because after a few songs and being beneath those heavy lights, we were all sweating buckets.

Here's one of my dad, who just so happens to be the Guitar player/ backing vocal. He's probably the best dressed of all of us.

The stage itself was a lot bigger than I was expecting, and all of the crew involved were a lot of fun. They also seemed to like the set; as we played I like to have a couple of glances around at the crowd and I noticed that some of the crew were bobbing along to the stuff, which was cool to see.

I really hope we get asked back next year.

Here's one of the drummer. Afterward, we all spoke about the sound, which wasn't the best. During the set, I could only really hear the drums, and the Guitar and Vocals were both kind of low. It's kind of our own fault because we didn't spend enough time prior to playing to talk with the sound engineers.

The drummer had a pretty rough time - he arrived in Blackpool at around 12:45 on Thursday. Me and the other two got a ferry to Holyhead and trained it up to Manchester and around to Blackpool, whereas the drummer flew into Liverpool and the only train available brought him to a place a few miles away, and from there he had to get a taxi to Blackpool, which cost him about 50 pounds.

It was due to the train strikes that were taking place that weekend.

Here's a pretty good one of the singer, Dangerous Dave himself, sporting his Bad Manners T-shirt who we supported last year.

We got to see Bad Manners at Rebellion who were amazing as always. That's the fourth time seeing them, and each time they've been on point.

Here's an example of the kind of picture of the full band people tend to get, which ends up cutting the drummer out due to blocking.

Here's another picture of us, but the poor drummer is cut out of it. At the front of the stage are a few people we know from Ireland and it was great to see them there.

All in all, the Rebellion weekend was amazing. It has been a long time coming and I'm so glad we got the opportunity to play at it finally. We're going to re-apply soon and hopefully, we'll get on it again next year.

Being able to see so many great bands in one place is amazing, and it gave us a good opportunity to meet people from bands both big and small while we were hanging out.

This summer has been a blast, and while I could of just as easily shared some days we've had with the baby or events like my birthday, I decided to pick this weekend because it was good to not only hang out and hear some great music. But, it was also a great chance for the band to just hang out for the weekend and have some fun.

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