Small Joys That Bring Light To My Day

@ecency-star released a prompt today asking us to talk about small joys that bring light to our days.

I really enjoy these little weekly prompts they run, because it gives a nice chance to talk about a plethora of different subjects, and they revolve around our likes, interests, and daily hobbies; which means it's a good chance to get to know others and let people know abit more about you on a personal level.

Here's A Link To The Post If You'd Like To Get Involved.


Seeing My Baby Smiling
So, recently me, and my partner had a baby, and currently, he's 5 months old today. In the last couple of weeks, he has started to smile and laugh a lot.

Every morning without fail, the first thing he does is look up at us from his cot and give some huge smiles as he looks around energetically... that is until he realises that he's hungry and then he goes mad unless the bottle is presented to him with haste.

Hearing his little laughs and chuckles throughout the day is amazing, and has each of us constantly singing silly little songs and pulling faces in the hopes of hearing him laugh. But, the early morning smiles are enough to stave off the tiredness of waking up early and have become a daily dose of joy.

Something On A Different Note
On a separate note, one of my daily doses of joy that I have been doing for a while now is posting here on Hive. Each time I get something published I feel a sense of relief and joy, especially concerning certain fictional pieces I've written.

I have been on a daily posting streak since January, so currently I'm 9 months and 9 days into it, and I'm edging ever closer to my yearly posting badge which I'm really proud of.

It has not been easy, and at times I have sat down to write as late as 11 o'clock in the hopes of getting something out so I don't break my streak.

Posting on Hive is more than just a streak, or about the money from doing so, and it's not even fully about the badge. At this point, I just don't want to drop it, and even though I have a further 3 months to, I'm pretty confident to have gotten this far.

Typically I post creative fiction and other than that, I post daily happenings, days out, reviews of whatever I've been watching or playing recently, and I also answer prompts.

While I am juggling a lot, I try to be as active as I can here besides just posting, as I've never been a "Post and run," sort of Hivian. I've always tried to engage with people as much as possible since being here. Of course, there are spouts where I just haven't got the time to be here, as much as I'd like, but I do try to make up for my absence whenever I have the time, because I really do enjoy this wild, wild place, and I really like the people I've met here.

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