My Perfect Day

@ecency-star released a prompt the other day, asking us to describe what a perfect day looks like to us.

Here's A Link To The Post If You'd Like To Check It Out.


My Perfect Day
I think my idea of a perfect day has changed over the years, as I'm sure many of ours have. Back when I was younger, I think a perfect day consisted of hanging out with friends skating, or just building bases when the weather was nice. As I got into my teens, I think the perfect day was when we'd all meet up for a few cheeky drinks and hang around until whatever time. A bit older still, and the perfect day was doing something with my partner, heading out of town on a bit of a holiday or something, or maybe up to a gig.

Now, I think the perfect day is one where everything works out well, and I get enough sleep.

When A Day Just Works Out Well
I like waking up early, so the early mornings waking up with the baby haven't bothered me at all. Me and my partner make a pretty good team, and during the summer we've not had a lot to do so we're both kind of dedicating ourselves to our son, at least for these first couple of months.

Each morning we wake up when he does, and after he's changed and fed, we get ourselves ready and go out for a walk. Usually, we bump into people we know, and just get a couple of things done. In the afternoon we'd be back up here, and sometimes he stays asleep when we get the pram back inside, and just having half an hour to have a cup of tea and even go on our phones is really good, although, it doesn't happen that way all the time.

Having that bit of time to ourselves to zone out and watch stuff or get some things done is amazing when it comes along, and typically we're just catching up on things we haven't had a chance to do.

As it gets closer to the evening we both take turns playing with him and keeping him entertained, and sometimes the two of us sit with him together. Then we make something to eat, and usually by then he likes sitting in his chair and keeping himself pre-occupied with his teddies, we got this little octopus that jingles and crinkles when it's moved and he really likes it, which is good because it gives us enough time to have some food.

By about 9 or 10 he's pretty ready to go to sleep for the night, and if he does it's a bit of a relief where we can chill out for a bit before turning in ourselves. If by this stage I haven't written anything we'll hang out together while I do some writing and she goes on her phone, and then we head in and watch something, typically, we don't have enough time to watch a movie or a show, so usually just throw something on YouTube and chat for a bit. She usually falls asleep first, and when she does I sometimes go on my phone and watch shorts for a bit... there was one night I woke her up laughing, and I literally thought she was going to kill me, but I couldn't stop, I was trying not to be loud and the whole bed was shaking and the only thing she kept saying was,

"If you wake him I'm going to kill you." In the angriest whisper that I've ever heard, which made me laugh even more.

My god, I thought I was going to pop a lung.

Anyway, I don't usually laugh that much when watching stuff, it was just one of those moments. But, yeah, my perfect day is when everything works out, the weather is nice, and the baby isn't too fussy and decides to get plenty of sleep in. I've always been slightly solitary, I'm a people person 100%, but I do like having some time to myself just to recharge the batteries, as I find I get drained easily if I'm constantly around people.

That's one of the things I love about taking some time out of the day to get some writing done, for my public posts here on Hive, and also for the writing I do outside of it. Music is another big one for me, having some time to play and practice, as well as just listening to a pair of headphones is great too.

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