Is Technology Making Us More Or Less Social?

@ecency-star released a prompt in the Ecency Support community, asking the question if technology is making us more or less social.

Here's A Link To The Prompt If You'd Like To Check It Out.


Online Gaming

There are people I've been friends with for many years, I'm talking since I was 14-ish, so best part of 16 - 17 years now, and for a lot of them we're still friends, we chat on headset - albeit seldomly now - and also keep in touch through messenger.

Out of all of them, only a few I've actually met in real life, and I think doing so instantly creates a far greater bond and friendship, opposed to just remaining friends online.

Meeting up in real life is a great way to build a friendship and make some real memories with people. I'm not saying that there are no memories made with friends I've only ever gamed with, I can think of plenty of things to reminisce about from back in the day, and through the years. But, I think it's easier to reminisce about things that happed IRL, and experiences had in person rather than on the screen.

Regardless of that, I do think technology has made us social to a certain extent in that regard. The Xbox helped to keep me sane over lockdown if I'm honest, and it actually made the whole experience a hell of a lot more enjoyable.... or should I say, tolerable.

To be honest, I had a great time during the lockdown. I had a lot of fun, and it was the first time in my life I had decent savings, and was actually able to put money aside. It made me revaluate the crap I was buying regularly.



As I've said before, I've never been big into social media, until I joined Hive.

I've made a lot of friends here over the years, and have yet to meet any of them in real life, but I don't think that takes away from our digital friendship.

However, all of that will change this September due to Hive Fest, and I'm currently storing up all of my liquid Hive earnings to help fund my trip to Croatia. I spoke with Aimee and she can't go, but I can.

I'm going to book a week off work for it and potentially stick around for a while and see some of the sights. I'm planning on getting there a day or so earlier, and leaving a day or so after.

It'll be great to put some faces to the user names, and share in the fun of celebrating this great place.

Hive Fest is something that makes Hive different, and so much better than any other social media thing out there. I'm sure there are plenty of other things like this for other online homes, but I think the celebration of the community and some insight into the inner workings of our chain, as well as some of the innovations to look forward to, is really cool, and I can't wait for it.

I technology making us more social? Maybe it is, in a lot of ways. Traditional social media? Maybe not. But, Hive with the idea of Festivals dedicated to it, certainly encourages people to be more social, and make memories with each other, even if only once a year.

Many people are encouraged to go to it, for a chance to socialise and mingle, so in that sense alone, I do think technology is helping to get us out into the world.

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