Indoors and Outdoors?

@ecency-star released a prompt the other day, asking us to talk about Indoor/ outdoor and what it means for us. In a way, I think we're encouraged to write about the first thing that comes to mind when confronted with those two words.

Here's A Link To The Prompt Post, If You'd Like To Join In.


Indoor or Outdoor?

One of the first things that came to mind when I saw this prompt was which of the two I prefer. Then I figured - since I like both - it would be a tough one to talk about, but since indoors is self-explanatory, I thought I'd talk about things that can be done outside, and discuss why I'd rather be inside while working on them.

Obviously, if it's miserable outside (which in Ireland, it tends to be most of the time) it's better to be inside. There are plenty of things I'm able to get on with while indoors.


Video Editing: This is something I can't really do outside unless I bring my laptop out, but even at that, glare from the screen can be a bit irritating, and can have a negative affect on post production work, such as colour grading.

I mention video editing because I have something on at the moment, and I imagined myself chilling out on the soggy grass in winter while working on it. Not fun.

Writing: This is something that I could do outside I suppose, but I've never actually tried it. I wonder if finding a nice spot on a dry would be more or less beneficial to my writing. I'd assume that I could be easily distracted with the noise of passersby's, and cars, but who knows, it could work.

I might try out some writing outside in the summer, and see how I feel about it, and whether it's something I'd like to do.

Gigs: I've done a few outdoor gigs and festivals, and to be honest, I think they're better, but the only drawback would be sound systems. For the larger area, you need much larger speakers to fill it, and without that, the music can tend to severely overpower the vocals.

I have a bass stack, and my dad has a half stack, and each of the amps are fine outdoors, but my PA system doesn't have any bass bins, and that was an issue for one of the gigs we put on a few years back.

Speaking of gigs, we've actually got one coming up on Paddies Day, one of my bands is playing from 1:30-2:30 and my other one is playing from 5-6. For that one - since it's outdoors - we're going to have to rent a PA.


Filming: I have actually always preferred indoor shoots for things, especially short films because wind has been a major issue in the past for sound, and has led to me needing to do some ADR, which is great, but also tough to get right.

I bought this massive greenscreen not long ago for one of the music videos I was working on and it's sick. Since getting the hang of it, and messing around outside of the video - the amount of possibilities that are available to me now are almost endless. Shooting indoors is now a good option and not a last resort when the weather gets in the way.

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