Weekend Lifestyle; Nothing is set on stone.


Every day of the week is preoccupied with work for me and I'm glad I do a work that whets my appetite. I enjoy the things I spend time on and I'm glad I can earn a living from those things. That's probably why I work to the point that I lose sense of reality. Haha.

Well, the weekend for me happens to be the time when I try to cut down on my workload so I can get into other areas of my life that will help me relax, recharge and get back into work in proper shape. I still end up working for some parts of my weekend, but I always remind myself to do the bare minimum.

With that said the question we have from Ecency Writing Prompt for this week is asking about our weekend routine.

As far as I can tell, I don't particularly have a fixed routine for my weekends. What I do each weekend depends on the season, my mood and whatever I've planned to fit into my weekend.

Take last weekend for an example, I spent the vast majority of my Saturday doing home chores and my Sunday was spent seeing Movies and TV shows. That helped me to relax and I got to dive into this week with a hyped-up enthusiasm.

This time around, since English Premier League Football will be back this weekend, my weekend plan has already been adjusted to fit watching football into my to-do list for the weekend.

For starters, I plan to cook a sumptuous meal this Friday evening. The reason for that is that I wouldn't have the time to cook tomorrow so, cooking now will make it easier to have something sumptuous to eat tomorrow.

I will spend the early hours of tomorrow (Saturday) doing a mixture of online and offline work. Once it's noon, I will pause that and get ready for the football fixtures that are scheduled for tomorrow. The first match I will watch tomorrow is the 12:30 kick-off between Liverpool and Everton. The next one I will be watching would have to be the 17:30 game between Chelsea and Arsenal.

The early hours of my Sundays are usually spent doing religious activities. I will go to Church and all that. The rest of the day will be a mixture of work, fun, relaxation... Name it. Hehe.

And that's how this weekend routine is going to be. I hope it happens just like that.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop Or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is taken from Pexels

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