Although, I try strike a balance in both indoor and outdoor activities for a well-rounded lifestyle, but I am more of an indoor person than an outdoor person. My Preferences for indoor activities over outdoor ones can vary based on individual inclinations, lifestyle, and specific circumstances. This is so because the percentage of my indoor to outdoor activities is in the percentage of 70% to 30%. 5here are several why 8 prefer to stay home than go out. Even to visit 0eople and be comfortable in a space other than mine is somewhat difficult as I always look forward to my space because of the comfort I derive in it. Due to the way I built my comfort zone also known as my room ,it gives the feeling of a sense of coziness, which can be appealing. But no matter how hard I try , I can't be comfortable else where.


One time I slept in a friend's place because the rain was so heavy and it poured for a long time, I had to spend the night there. It was one of my most uncomfortable night ever, I didn't even sleep a bit, as I kept 9n waking up at intervals, there was just this feeling uneasiness. Although there are times I have had to sleep outside which was beyond my control but I have never found it appealing.

Another reason why I prefer to be indoor than outdoors because of
Privacy, we are all aware that Indoor activities provide a level of seclusion and privacy, especially important for tasks that require concentration. this is not farfetched, no doubt that privacy 8s guaranteed with utmost focus when you are indoors. Again, Indoor spaces can be perceived as safer and more secured.

Finally, as an individual, I simply enjoy the ambiance of indoor environments, finding solace and relaxation indoors is a top priority for me.

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