A superpower I would like to have

We live in a world which is ever-more shifting to the verge of a free fall into what looks like self-destruction with so many who are aware of the consequences but just seem not to care about it as far as they are getting their share and those who show concern are branded enemies to the state.

As I contemplate the situation on our planet where everything looks to be falling asunder, I think it is only genuine for one to think of superpowers like teleportation, telekinesis, camouflage, time travelling, supersonic speed and the list goes on for several reasons; which are great but mine will be to possess the power of Peace.

I know it may sound awkward, some may argue why not choose teleportation so I can get away from my troubles in a millisecond but the truth is problems and trouble follows us everywhere. Even superhumans have worries but if I can speak peace, radiate peace and perhaps broker peace then I will not have to run away in search of it somewhere.

Peace is one thing, everyone seems to be looking for right now.

I believe there world needs a lot of people who possess the powers and wisdom to settle matters amicably without having to deal with the aftermath of conflict or war. We all know what the world has lost because of conflicts and wars. We only had to lay down pride and look beyond our anger and selfish desires. If the world knew and experience peace, those beautiful souls would not be lost. Interestingly, it is the majority who suffer while those who started the conflict sit in their palaces and look on as bloodshed goes on. If we all settled for peace, then precious lives and properties will be preserved.

I have also had conversations with people who suffer from PTSD because of a death of a loved one or an accident or perhaps abuse from home or school and easy to conclude that these people lack peace in their lives. I imagine what help I could be of if an can radiate and help them find peace in their lives

There world would be a better place for all of us if we lay down all our weapons on pride and agree to live peaceably one with another. Remember, peace is power, peace is a gift, peace is prosperity.

Thank you for your attention.

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