Superpowers from the name alone suggests power that makes you extraordinary compared to others. Meaning you can achieve feats that's not normally possible for the ordinary person or that would've taken them considerable effort.
When you think about superpowers, then consciously or otherwise your brain begins to go through the list of superheroes you know and their various powers. A run down of the most interesting superpowers would be ability to manipulate time, speed, listen to people's thoughts, flight, strength and so on.
Infact if you stop to think about it, the list is almost endless because there's always another power out there that only needs your imagination.
I believe this is the one superpower i would love to have **the ability to manipulate my imagination to affect the real world. I'm sure there are many times you watch cartoons and be like there's no way that can be replicated in a real movie.
They have an unusual amount of leeway to work with and their work is only limited by their imagination.
Imagine having the power to manipulate yourself into Captain marvel or maybe superman with magical abilities, wouldn't it be cool. The only thing holding me back would be the types of powers I can imagine.
For me, If I was to choose a superpower then it would definitely be this one.