My Dream Country

Welcome To My Blog

Hi friends, wonderful to have you here on my blog. It's actually my first time here enrolling in the @ecency writing contest. Found a suitable community where I may partake in a weekly prompt.
Thanks to @melinda010100 for this amazing idea and subject.

Ever since I was a child, I had always dreamed I could cross the four walls of the nation. It may be school, vacation or even relocation which may bring me there. To be honest, with the way things are going on here, I may never return here.
And if i ever am asked where i would want to remain and live am definitely going to select Netherlands.
This nation is situated on the continent of Europe. Those that reside there speak Dutch.


One of my uncles who lived there really spoke a lot of excellent things about it. Their weather, economy and a lot more. I have truly hoped he took me with him but I know he has much of a duty on him.
The weather is not too severe, meaning not too old.

The primary reason why I adore the nation is how wonderful they are when it comes to medical practitioners. It is one of the top nations with excellent medical schools and hospitals that will aid my career.
After university, I am still contemplating going there to pursue my masters there to gain more knowledge.

Thank you for reading

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