I Love The Sound Of Rain

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Hello friends, Happy weekend. I hope you are enjoying your weekend?
The @ecency-star weekly contest. It came quite early this week to give time to people to participate. Do well to join here.


In my country, we are still experiencing the rainy season. Rain seems to fall almost everyday.
From November the dry season we call harmattan will start. That period there will be a dewy breeze but no rainfall.

I really enjoy the rainy season except for the fact that it takes a longer time for my clothes to dry.
And affect your activities for the day.
I prefer it to be rainy at night when sleeping. It gives that cool feeling and makes the sleep more interesting.

I really don't like the sunny season because of heat. I sweat a lot during the season, it's not really my thing. The sun becomes so hot and unbearable to walk at noon. People always ask me why I heat a lot. I just smile and answer " maybe I'm not meant to suffer but to be in a cool place always like an air-conditioned room and car" 😂.

The sound of rain in my dark room,alone and under my duvet is great or being cuddled while it's raining is the best feeling ever.

Thank you for reading

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