The Last Man on Earth

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I woke up to the sound of birds singing outside the window. A year ago, a strange disease took away every other human being on the planet, leaving me alone. At first, it was hard to accept what had happened, and I felt a lot of sadness and loneliness. But then, I decided to look on the bright side of things and take this unique opportunity to live life my way.

I got out of bed and dressed in comfortable clothes. I didn't have to worry about work, money, social norms or the opinions of others. I was free to do what I wanted, when I wanted and how I wanted. I left my house, which was a mansion I had found empty in a residential area. I had everything I needed: food, water, electricity, internet, books, music, movies and more. I could enjoy everything that civilization had created, without having to share it with anyone.

I got into my favorite vehicle, a red Ferrari that I had borrowed from a dealership. I drove through the empty streets, not having to respect traffic signs or speed limits.

I went to the city center, where there were many interesting places to explore. I entered an art museum, where I admired the masterpieces of the great painters. Then, I went to a clothing store, where I tried on different outfits. Afterwards, I sat in a coffee shop, where I poured myself a delicious coffee.

I continued my tour of the city, visiting other places like the park and the zoo. I had a lot of fun doing things I had never done before, like singing, playing with the animals and running through the countryside. I felt happy and grateful for everything I had.

But I also knew that I could not forget about nature. So, I decided to go to the countryside, where there was more life and beauty. I drove to a nearby mountain, where I left my car and kept walking. I breathed the pure, fresh air and listened to the sound of wind and water. I saw flowers of all colors, lush trees and tasty fruits. I met some wild animals, such as deer, rabbits and squirrels. They were not afraid of me but approached me curious and friendly. I fed and petted them. I felt at peace and in harmony with the world.

I reached the top of the mountain, where there was a spectacular view of the landscape. I saw the sun shining, the white clouds in the azure sky, the turquoise sea glistening on the horizon. I sat on a rock and closed my eyes. I thought about everything I had experienced that day, and everything I had left to experience.

But then I realized that something was missing. Something that no object or animal could give me: the love of a woman. I remembered my wife, who had died along with the other humans. I missed her so much and wished I had her by my side to share this adventure. I wondered if there was a way to bring her back.

That's when I came up with a crazy idea. I ripped out a rib to create her. I remembered the biblical story of Adam and Eve and thought maybe I could repeat it myself. After all, I was the only human being on earth.

So I took a sharp stone and cut my side. I felt intense pain, but I endured it bravely. I took out a rib and put it on the ground. Then I asked God to perform the miracle and I fainted.

When I woke up and to my surprise, it worked. The rib transformed into a beautiful woman, identical to my wife. She was next to me, as if asleep. Immediately, she opened her eyes and looked at me with love. She hugged and kissed me. She told me she was happy to see me again. I was happy too.

If I were the only human being on earth, I would do this every day: I would enjoy culture and nature, adventure and tranquility, fun and reflection. And I would do it together with the woman I love, created from my own flesh. I would be completely happy with myself and my surroundings.

Original content is written exclusively for
[Writing Contest] If I were the only human on the earth, I would...

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All rights reserved. © Copyright 2023 Germán Andrade G.

It is my responsibility to share with you that, as a Spanish speaker, I have had to resort to the translator Deepl in order to translate my original Spanish content into the English language. I also state that I have used the grammar checking tool Grammarly.

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